We are so glad you are interested in joining Terra Ceia Christian School!
Follow the steps below to understand and complete our application process.
Step 1: Personal Tour or Attend a Parent Information Meeting
Before making the decision to apply, we encourage you to take a personal tour or come to one of our parent information meetings. This is your opportunity to ask questions and get to know our people and culture before committing to our school.
Step 2: Review and affirm our Statement of Faith
Step 3: Complete the Online Admissions Application
Step 4: Have your pastor complete the Pastor's Recommendation Form
Email or take a hard copy of the Pastor's Confidential Recommendation Form to your pastor so we have a better understanding of your connection to a church. Your pastor should return the form directly to Terra Ceia Christian School. We desire to support families in partnership with a church to bring students to know and love their Lord and Savior.
Step 5: Complete any assessments needed for your child
Kindergarten: students must turn 5 on or before August 31st of the current year to attend Kindergarten at TCCS. All applicants will meet with the kindergarten teachers as part of the admissions process. This kindergarten readiness meeting not only gives teachers an opportunity to get to know your child, but it helps to ensure that TCCS can meet your child's needs.
1st-12th grade students: TCCS requires all students applying for admission to complete an assessment by a third party, specifically Sylvan Learning Center, located in Greenville. This assessment can be completed online at a cost of $100 per student. This allows TCCS to see where your child fits in for correct grade placement.
Step 6: Pay the $300 application fee.
Step 7: Meeting with the Board
Once all of the above information is received, a meeting will be scheduled with the board. This is an opportunity for us to meet and get to know your family, help you to understand our mission and educational philosophy, and learn about your desire for Christian education.
Step 8: You will be notified of your admission status once all requirements have been met.