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RaiseRight is an opportunity to earn money towards a child’s tuition or the school while making everyday purchases.  A percentage of each gift card you purchase through RaiseRight can be put towards a tuition account of your choice.

Gift cards are available to both nationwide and local businesses and can be purchased from our RaiseRight office coordinator or ordered anytime - day or night - online through the RaiseRight website or app on your smartphone.

RaiseRight Coordinator:  Landis Pinkham


Who can participate?

Anyone can help fund a family’s RaiseRight account. Current & future TCCS families, grandparents, friends, and businesses are welcome to contribute.

You can even direct your earnings to our General Fund to help meet the schools ongoing needs. 

When to Order

Orders will be placed on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month during the school year. Orders that are sent in by your child on Monday will be ordered that day. If the school office has the items that you need on hand, they will send them home with your child on Friday of that same week. Items that need to be ordered will be sent home with your child on the following Tuesday.

$100 Food Lion and Wal-Mart gift cards will be kept on hand at the school office. You may stop by at any time to pick them up from the school office. All other gift cards will have to be ordered on the specified RaiseRight Mondays. 


Local Participating Merchants 

Food Lion - 3% Cash back

Walmart - 2.5% Cash back

Speedway - up to 4% Cash back

Please visit RaiseRight to get a list of all the participating merchants.

How to Create an Account

A new, easy way to order is by creating an account at RaiseRight. Look for the blue "Sign Up" box. 

You will need Terra Ceia Christian's enrollment code. This code changes periodically so if you have trouble using it, please contact Landis Pinkham for a new code. 

Once you have an account, you can add gift cards to your order and pay via “Presto Pay” (an account is required) or you can send a check to the school. You may also add Wal-Mart or Food Lion cards to your online order rather than stopping by the school. Your order will be combined with other orders from TCCS and delivered to the school at one time. 

Credits are given on November, February, and May statements. 

An example of how this program works:
On Monday, you write a $100 check to TCCS to order a $100 Food Lion gift card. The school office will send home the gift card on Friday of the same week, if the school has it on hand, or the following Tuesday, if I have to order it. Food Lion currently offers 3% cash back, so you will receive a $3 credit on your statement when the credits are issued. We do have families that are able to earn enough credit to equal a month’s tuition or more. 

Watch these videos to learn how...

View more how-to videos at RaiseRight Videos. Scroll down to ‘Tutorial Videos for Participants’.

Oyster Roast